Professional Coaches of Finland

Survey about sexual harassment or sexism in the workplace

30.05.2023 | News, SAVALnews


What experiences or observations do you have of sexual harassment or sexism in your workplace? Has this been addressed and, if so, how?

The aim of this survey is to investigate the sexual harassment and sexism encountered in working life among the membership of 17 of Akava’s unions and to map the measures that have been taken in connection with sexual harassment.

The survey is carried out in cooperation with Taloustutkimus Ltd. Taloustutkimus operates in accordance with international market research rules, which means, for example, that responding to the survey is strictly confidential. The results will be reported in such a way that individual respondents cannot be identified, and Taloustutkimus will not give out the respondents’ information or responses to third parties.

Based on the results of the survey, recommendations or proposals for action will be drawn up for employee representatives and employers. At the end of the survey, you can also make suggestions on what trade unions could do to stop sexual harassment.

Survey: Your feedback is valuable to us

The more responses we receive, the more comprehensive the information we have at our disposal. Please take a moment to respond to the survey! It will take 20 minutes at most. Please respond by June 11, 2023 at the latest, even if you have not experienced sexual harassment or sexism – this information is also important to us.

The survey has been sent to all members at YTY and  SAVAL. If you have not received a survey email from us, please check that you have valid emaill address in your member profile. You can check that in YTY member portal, log in the upper-right corner of the website

Click on the link to answer the survey >>

Thank you for your responses!


For further information, please contact:
Paula Lehto, Taloustutkimus (
Susanna Bairoh, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK (

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