It's easy to join SAVAL - just fill in the online form and we will soon be in touch!

Complete the form with your personal information and current job details. Once your application is approved we will send you a confirmation email. You will receive SAVAL Membership card by post. Your membership starts the day we receive your application. If you have any questions concerning the application form or if you have problems filling it, do not hesitate to contact us.

How to join SAVAL?

Click and fill in the membership application form

  1. Select membeship > Join SAVAL Professional Coaches of Finland (You are joining ASIA through SAVAL)
  2. Fill in membership start date.
  3. Fill in basic and contact information.
  4. Fill in education.
  5. Choose, if you want to join the KOKO unemployment fund (I subscribe or I do not subscribe.
  6. Click on, if you want us (ASIA) to handle your transfer from the former union / fund.
  7. Mark on the field the name of your former union / fund.
  8. Fill in your employment information.
  9. Click on the checkbox of privacy policy and Submit.

The standard SAVAL membership subscription covers the cost of an earnings-related unemployment benefit fund and individual member services in the event of employment problems. SAVAL also engages in vital collective bargaining and lobbying work on behalf of the profession.

As a member of SAVAL you are entitled to all union membership services, such as employment advice, training and if needed legal assistance and the services of a lawyer. This assistance can be costly to obtain elsewhere, for example when negotiating the terms and conditions of employment in Finland or abroad, or when there are problems with an employer.

Membership fee

The standard monthly membership subscription to SAVAL is EUR 28 in 2023. This includes the unemployment fund membership subscription fee. The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO. Visit KOKO fund's website for more information.

The monthly subscription fee is EUR 19 for the self-employed and EUR 5,75 for students. All subscriptions are tax-deductible. SAVAL informs the tax authorities directly of each member's individual payments.  The invoice will be sent to your home address once or four times per year according to your choice.

Recommend SAVAL membership

And earn gift vouchers!

As our member you already know SAVAL and the great benefits included in the membership. Why not put in a good word for SAVAL and introduce the membership to your colleagues and friends as well.  You can use this SAVAL recommendation

Whenever you tell a friend about joining SAVAL, remember to mention that membership not only provides protection in working life; there are many great member benefits, such as personal career coaching and holiday homes for renting.

Simply ask your friend to inform your name and email address in the Membership application's Additional information text field. By doing so you will get a 40 euro Super Gift card from each new member you have introduced to SAVAL.